What's your organizational rhytm?

Rhytmics of Organization Change

Introduction rhythmics of organizational change

Rhythmics of organizational change or organizational rhythm is included in a model which characterizes the rhythm aspect of organizational change processes in five basic concepts: Emphasis, Intonation, Pace, Period and Repetition.



(R-E) | Main characteristic Rhythm



(R-I) | Main characteristic Rhythm



(R-P) | Main characteristic Rhythm



(F-P) | Main characteristic Frequency



(F-R) | Main characteristic Frequency

Explanation of the 5 characteristics of the model of organizational rhythm

Main characteristic Rhythm

Main characteristic Frequency

Emphasis (R-E)

Ritmiek van organisatieverandering - Emphasis

R-E: interchange between moments of strain and relaxation, rest and unrest induced by organizational changes

Intonation (R-I)

Intonation Rhythm characteristics

R-I: accents or moments of information exchange and the positioning of activities in which people are involved in a change project

Pace (R-P)

Pace Rhythm characteristics

R-P: the speed of a change process including moments of acceleration and deceleration

Period (F-P)

organisatieritmiek Period

F-P: total time covered by an organizational change and the moments in a year when changes are present

Repetition (F-R)

Rhytmics of Organization Change - Repetition

F-R: the number of times, activities or events are scheduled or take place (such as information supply, news and meetingt about organizational change

Working method

How to leverage the 5 characteristics of the model of organizational rhythm for improvement in organizational change efforts? By integrating the 5 characteristics of organizational rhythm (Poels, 2006) into your management strategy, you create a more resonant and effective approach to organizational change, aligning with the principles of organizational rhythm outlined by the method.

Analyzing the organizational rhythm in your organization

Below you will find some questions which will give you information about the rhythm in your organization. These are some example questions from the extensive questionnaire. Decide which answer is most suitable for every question.


Some suggestions for improvement of the organizational rhythm